United States of America


                                  1120 20th Street, N.W., Ninth Floor

                                        Washington, DC 20036-3457






OSHRC Docket No. 23-0204







The parties are requested to brief the following issues with respect to Citation 1, Item 2, which alleges a violation of 29 C.F.R. § 1910.147(c)(4)(ii)(B) (energy control procedural steps), and Citation 2, Item 1, which alleges a violation of 29 C.F.R. § 1910.147(c)(4)(i) (energy control procedures):

  1. (1)Whether the judge erred in finding that the Secretary established the noncompliance element of each alleged violation.  In addressing this issue, the parties should discuss whether the judge erred in drawing an adverse inference regarding Respondent’s lack of machine-specific lockout/tagout (LOTO) procedure documentation for the R74 Line Rewinder. 

  2. (2)Whether the judge erred in finding the two alleged violations were not duplicative. 

The parties are advised that when a case is directed for review to consider either the merits or characterization of an item, the appropriateness of the penalty is also subject to review.  Accordingly, the parties may address the amount of the penalty if they so choose.

All briefs are to be filed in accordance with Commission Rule 93.1  The first brief is to be filed within 40 days of this notice.  A party not intending to file a brief shall notify the Commission in accordance with Commission Rule 93.  The time for filing any responsive briefs (or letters filed in lieu of briefs) shall commence on the date of service.


                                                BY DIRECTION OF THE COMMISSION




Dated:        July 18, 2024                                /s/                                       

                                                John X. Cerveny

                                                Executive Secretary

1 The Commission requests that all briefs include an alphabetical table of authorities with references to the pages on which they are cited, and that an asterisk be placed in the left-hand margin of the table to indicate those authorities on which the brief principally relies.  The Commission also requests that copies of cited authority, other than statutes, regulations, case law, law journal articles, and legal treatises, be provided to the Commission and to the opposing party.  Parties should be cautioned that these materials will be considered only if appropriate.